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16/12/2015 2:44 pm  #1

I Hate Ashley Robinson.......He's a ****

Let me explain why. Not long ago I was walking behind the goal at the Bishopsford Road end when the match ball came bouncing my way, I picked it up and chucked it to the goalie. I couldn't believe how light modern footballs are ! it was like a helium filled balloon ! like one of those 99p jobs that you used to buy at the seaside that swerved in a million different directions when you kicked them. So, armed with this newly discovered knowledge I felt confident last night when Robinson's thunderbolt whistled just wide of the upright and came hurtling exocet-like in my direction that I could punch it back onto the field of play towards Nic Taylor in the visitors goal.........WRONG. The missile flopped at my feet. In the macho man, testosterone filled atmosphere of the football terrace you can't show any pain as it is considered a sign of weakness but f*ck me it hurt This morning I had great difficulty doing up the buttons on my shirt, tying my shoelaces proved impossible, I couldn't get my house keys out of my trouser pocket, oh and try wiping your arse left handed it's not as easy as you'd imagine. I've obviously damaged all the ligaments and tendons in my hand and it's all Robinson's fault ! Why didn't he go for placement instead of power ?


16/12/2015 4:40 pm  #2

Re: I Hate Ashley Robinson.......He's a ****

I think you might have a situation where you could claim Cricket!
I can suggest a good solicitor if you need one, I believe he is due for release at the end of December.


16/12/2015 5:51 pm  #3

Re: I Hate Ashley Robinson.......He's a ****

Poor decision making and poor technique Chris. I blame the influx of foreign goalies in the English game now. Years ago you would have caught the ball and then gently thrown the ball to the oppo custodian, now all the goalkeepers feel the need to punch everything and you've been drawn into this trend and are now suffering the consequences. Never mind, eh.


16/12/2015 6:25 pm  #4

Re: I Hate Ashley Robinson.......He's a ****

Very funny

If he'd used his instep to curl it in the direction of the top corner instead of pretending to be Peter Lorimer I wouldn't have had to spend the morning trying to perfect my left handed arse wiping technique. Try it, it doesn't feel natural, much harder than it sounds, trust me.

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16/12/2015 9:11 pm  #5

Re: I Hate Ashley Robinson.......He's a ****

Have you tried using a loo brush?


17/12/2015 12:24 pm  #6

Re: I Hate Ashley Robinson.......He's a ****

What, with my ceramics ?

Did anyone spot the double entendre ?

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