I've been away for the weekend (a loooooooong hard weekend - NO, not at her Majesty's pleasure Boggy ) so just a reminder that tonight is the AGM of the Members Club.
For all of you that have been on here bad mouthing anything that the club does then this is your chance to front up, pay up and join in to have your say on all matters TMU Football and TMU Members Club.
I'm sure that we'll all look forward to meeting you and hearing your opinions first hand as opposed to being hidden under pseudonyms here on the forum.
See you all later.
Unfortunately I won't be able to make the meeting but I'm sure the matters of ground development, business units under the stands, extra facilities and delvelopment of the polter park side are forever ongoing and probably moved into stage 2.
Also to improve the tannoy systems, the paint to 'tart up' the stadium which as probably been on pre order since 2013 and due for delivery soon for the upgrade on first class postage but I'm sure the sponsor as that matter sorted being a maintenance company and all that jazz.
The people with things to say are banned from entering the into that what you will...
At a wild will be the same old self important Rubbish as the last 6 years and then sandwiches as thats what important people
Even the chairmans report on that site is 2 seasons old...
..............but there are those of us who DO things that are not banned !
In fact we are welcomed because we care and are willing to help out to make things work week in and week out instead of knocking everything that happens at the Club.
Agreed, the Members Club web site is a bit of a donkey and those of us newly elected to the Members Club Board will be remedying that as soon as we can find someone with the necessary time and skills to take on the task.
Where's my sandwiches then ? Didn't see any all night.
The things that the people who are banned had to say are of more importance to the club than you are led to believe... When Adkins got Danny Lee to sign a confidentiality agreement when he forced Danny from the club on the goings on down there and I get The FA lawyers ringing me saying that they are well aware of what is going on down there and assuring me they have the matter in hand. I am quietly confident I can trump anything on this forum to the exponential of 10... Adkins gets the voting rights at boardroom level on 3 to 2 which is why the members club are not worth a rub. Which is why he will have his grubby little fingers all over that club until he conveniently takes it under. Good evening Gentlemen...