Hello I’ll post links to write ups on the South London is Black and White Site on this thread, starting here;
A very decent read and honest report.
Indeed Gary. Supporting the manager is all well and fine, but the real problem for the lapsed supporters, such as myself, that as usual wasn’t mentioned is the “elephant in the room”: Adkins and his cronies.
Yeah, I know mate. There is nothing anyone can do about that. At least Jamie has full control and will succeeded or fail by his own decisions.
It's a case of supporting the team not the ownership possibly?
I think Jamie deserves the fans support. Especially as his doing it completely as a volunteer.
Yes Gary, but as we know from the past, success, or just treading water, means no guarantee of managerial safety. Whereas getting the club relegated to Step 5 cements your position at the club.
Sick 🤮
I have to admit another decent read.
We have some real talent in our new supporters.
Good job Adam.
Last edited by besty (18/7/2023 6:26 pm)
This is the first time I've ever read these articles. PURE GOLD, 24 carat.What a fantastic writing style.I thought Tim Megone was good but this makes him sound like Jeffrey Archer ! I probably know you by sight Besty, I will get Bogend Ant to point you out to me so I can introduce myself. You are a wordsmith pal. Your style reminds me of Stuart Hall's commentary. I hope that's all you've got in common with him given his alleged extra curricular activities. Best wishes from your new No.1 fan. Bog End Ultra
Bog End Ultra wrote:
Your style reminds me of Stuart Hall
Crikey Boggie you don’t hold back do you : )
For an old school London delivery watch Michael Wale from 15:40 to 15:58 of this, I reckon he’s on the sauce:
How is it our main website can seemingly always give us the final score but never the goalscorers? Who was our scorer against RPV?
Edgeoftheb ox wrote:
How is it our main website can seemingly always give us the final score but never the goalscorers? Who was our scorer against RPV?
Unsigned 7
Last edited by besty (28/7/2023 5:28 pm)
Last edited by besty (16/8/2023 8:51 am)
AFC Croydon Athletic
Notes from the Fan Forum
u18 ‘keeper writes about his debut for the u23 team
u23 vs Tooting Bec
u23/reserves vs Alton
A month ago i was speaking to the person next to me who i had not seen before and he was asking about Shay and his goal scoring record .I agreed it was very good but said i did not think he was not available to play every game. He then proceeded to say that he was a scout for Carshalton, and produced a comprehensive list of some of our players whom he was looking at.
Beware tomorrow night he may still be interested, well in one anyway.
Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. I am writing this with poor eye sight on my phone and I am also dyslexic.
I haven't attended many games recently due to illness and a injury to my leg.
Nobody needs to tell Jamie that result are not going as well as hoped. He is feeling more than anyone. Especially because he is the hardest working Volunteer at the club.
Before I go into that I would also like to thank every volunteer on week days and match days. Also thank you to the Members Club for their hard work behind the seens. There is a lot going on at the moment and when people start to see these changes I think the club will be in a good place.
I hate the league we play in. As a supporter for 48 years it is embarrassing to be honest. The only way to climb out of this situation is for Steve Adkins to spend £3000 a week we haven't got or build a foundation. A football plan involving lower league players and youth team players.
The reason I say £3000 a week is because each player playing in a higher division wants double the amount they are currently on to drop down. They don't care about Tooting. They just want to earn as much as they can.
I busted Jamie's balls when he first arrived as manager. I named 6 players that was on my wish list to return to Tooting. He said he spoke to those 6 players already and then raised me by another 10 players who he asked to play for Tooting. Some of these names I thought would jump at the chance to help us. The answer from all these players was a big no.
So Jamie has got quality players from this league plus a little gem like Shay. He is also building a really good relationship with Ashley and his Youth team managers. To see if there is talent he can play on the first team. Unlike the last few seasons these players are on merit not just for show. We are now starting to operate like a Non league football club again.
I have been listening to the Father and Son podcast who I am not allowed to name on this forum recently with great interest. They have been given a excellent balanced view on or club rebuilding. For me that's where we are and they are spot on.
For those who don't know Jamie. He is a non league legend. He has played for some top clubs in the Isthmian Premier as well as winning promotion and three cups with Tooting. I can not think of anyone who deserves our support more than him. If he is making mistakes he will learn from them. Personally I don't think these are mistakes. What you guys don't know is for the last 3 weeks there has been a illness plaguing the squad and coaching staff. Three players on the bench Saturday was to sick to play. In Tuesday our loan player from Dartford played sick but was too ill to even attend the game on Saturday.
If your still reading this I would like to give you a quick look at Jamie's dairy as Tooting and Mitcham first team manager. Please remember he does this free of charge and although humble he is a Non League Legend.
Monday watching youth. Tuesday first team game or training. Wednesday washing first team kit then drying. Thursday training. Friday I spoke to him he started work as a builder at 5.30 am so he can go to the club in the afternoon and put the dried kit out. He was just leaving the club to go home at 7 pm. Saturday match day. He then goes and washes the kit and puts it out. If anyone has any questions regarding the team please feel free to see Jamie on Wednesday afternoons or Friday afternoons in the washroom. He would be glad of the company.
My opinion for what it's worth is that we will get promoted but we must make sure its not too soon. Otherwise we will just get relegated again. Please be patient. Jamie and his team of coaches are on it. I hear they are working on a couple of players to make us stronger. We will be OK.