“The Bogend Forum for Tooting and Mitcham Utd FC fans”

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The Barmy Bog End Army » Farnham away advice » 26/3/2024 6:27 am

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The protagonists of this forum should just swap numbers and set up a whatsapp group, because this site is dead.

Honestly, how every thread can descend into some kind of manic denouncement of the club’s owner, or abuse of match-going supporters makes the club as a whole look like a basketcase. It really isn’t. It’s a functioning club with a decent support and recently appalling outcomes on the pitch.

None of what *anyone* says on here matters to anyone involved in the club. You’re all wasting your time and, in doing so, making the club out to be something that it isn’t. Imagine how it looks when someone comes onto the forum for a football club with “here’s where you should get a pint on your visit to our ground” and is met with “don’t tell us what to do”. It’s *excruciating* to think that a few lads- who by their own admission refuse to have anything to do with the football club- might affect how other people view our club.

I remember one of the protagonists of this forum mentioning “embarrassing” social media connected to the club. Read this thread. It’s a cry for help. It’s an irrelevant set of voices, screaming into the void.

Swap numbers and wind it in. Don’t let any more people mistake what’s written here as representative of the football club. You’re causing damage.

The Barmy Bog End Army » The Emperor has got no clothes on » 30/12/2023 9:25 am

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As far as I can tell we have only recruited Andy O’Brien from a division above us. We did well to retain Jayden Hutchings, but aside from that it seems our squad is broadly made up of Step 5 players known to Byatt before he was installed at Tooting. I would say the club is the club and beyond the great ground we have and the vocal support, I’m really not sure how it might attract any player with ambition, especially given our two months of games without a competitive victory. The direction of travel is not particularly alluring, no doubt, to lads with a will to win. As such, Byatt will seemingly have to find ways on the training ground to turn our form around.

I think “scoring for fun” rather overstates our early season form, but Kieran Campbell’s departure hasn’t helped us up top. Blake Loyza’s a good addition and Nathan Best was beginning to come into some form, but when Byatt has to start himself it seems to me there’s space for another goalscorer in the squad.

The pressure on Brennan to get our goals is pronounced. He needs adequate service. We also need to stop shipping late goals. Constantly our undoing.

I didn’t know Byatt as a player as I came to Tooting after, but I would say he’s clearly early on in his managerial career. He is enjoying a level of grace from the support in the face of a patch of pretty awful results from performances that deserved the outcome. The Hilltop game in the cup recently was the worst I’ve ever seen. There were subsequent improvements in performance undone by losses of heads, manifesting in red cards and conceded goals.

Today’s a hugely important game against one of the dwindling number of teams below us in the league. Worth pointing out they were a few more places below us when they smashed us 0-3 at IF. I hope today is the start of a turnaround, but I’m genuinely losing a bit of hope.

The Barmy Bog End Army » South London is Black and White site links » 30/12/2023 8:37 am

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I don’t really pipe up on here, but when the thread topic is links to a site that I help to run and there’s a reference on it to “embarrassing” social media on the club, I daresay I am bound to step in.

Nothing *online* has contributed to the debasement of the club’s stature more than the ludicrous dreck posted on this forum over a number of years now.

Elsewhere online there are people who, whilst seeing first hand the decline of the club’s status- from the stands and not their armchairs- still manage to be positive about the club and try to encourage others along.

If you don’t like any of the output you’re seeing Mikem, create your own. If you feel embarrassed by content about the club, create your own.

It should be known that South London is Black and White is a site “for supporters, by supporters” and we actively encourage supporters to submit pieces of writing for the site. Mikem, I cordially invite you to write a piece and, subject to whether or not I decide to post it on the site or not, we can publish it for you. I will say, though, that if it aligns with some of the borderline libellous nonsense we often see on this forum, I probably will exercise my editorial control (I’m being purposefully grand as a joke) and leave it on these pages.

The Barmy Bog End Army » 2 wins out of 2 in the league » 17/8/2023 5:48 am

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Bog End Ultra wrote:

Sol pinnocks left boot wrote:

You know when Tooting are doing well the forum stays silent.

I hope there's no more posts on here until May 2024 in that case 

I got told the reason Shay Brannon wasn't playing in Jersey was because he was away having a trial with Stockport County. Anyone know if there's any truth in that ?


I do

The Barmy Bog End Army » South London is Black and White site links » 19/7/2023 11:00 am

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Edgeoftheb ox wrote:

How is it our main website can seemingly always give us the final score but never the goalscorers?  Who was our scorer against RPV?

Unsigned 7

The Barmy Bog End Army » Members Club Application Form » 07/7/2023 1:42 pm

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Mikem wrote:

Gary, I can't believe you want to  join this secret society who have been the complete downfall of the Football Team with their cohesion with the owner since formed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

It’s not a secret society mate, there’s literally an application form on the internet

The Barmy Bog End Army » South London is Black and White site links » 04/7/2023 4:53 pm

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Hello I’ll post links to write ups on the South London is Black and White Site on this thread, starting here;


The Barmy Bog End Army » Come to Imperial Fields for free » 25/8/2021 7:17 pm

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Appreciate the replies.

I have realised what it is that I don’t understand about the chat on here. It’s that some folk apparently stopped supporting their team when they stopped being “successful”. That’s absolutely people’s own prerogatives, I just can’t pretend to understand why there’d be any desire to ignore the team’s contextual successes in the present, instead choosing to compare the apparent failures with past achievements. And all of this online. At least if you came to the games you could celebrate goals whilst still getting the chance to moan about the club’s (supposed) broader demise over a beer.

Like I said before, recent seasons have been busted up because of covid. During that time, the club have been active in trying to get promoted. Absolutely nothing about what the club has done in that time disproves that. Any complaints about the club being a stepping stone for youth prospects have simply chosen to ignore the moves being made for established players. Hamlin, Jelley, Rose, Ross, Williams, Dixon. Nathan Daly. It’s not as if we field 11 teenagers every week. Sometimes results don’t go as we’d like, but that’s football. And also two entire seasons have been voided. When lockdown 1 started we had just gubbed 2nd place Hanwell at their place. Our last game before lockdown 2 was a cup game where we outplayed an Isthmian prem team and were unlucky to lose after a missed penalty. We didn’t get a chance to build on these results. When we did, we beat Hanwell with 10 men and went on to win the London senior cup.

This thread started with an offer of free tickets, which somehow led to “the club should give out more tickets”, which somehow led to “youth development has usurped first team aims”, all of which is obviously ridiculous. I think it boils down to people choosing the easy option- reminiscing about decades-old glories from the comfort of their homes instead of getting out and supporting the team which they think

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