“The Bogend Forum for Tooting and Mitcham Utd FC fans”

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16/12/2015 6:04 pm  #1

Official TMUFC

Just a brief return visit from me to provide some official news - although officially I shouldn't be doing it on here as officially this unofficial forum is not official - and that is official.

However......for those of you who use Facebook (and for those of you that don't) I can officially confirm that the Club now has a new official Facebook page; this new Facebook page is simply called Official TMUFC and has been officially up and running now for about 10 days.

Official TMUFC will carry all official news and updates concerning both First Team and Academy sides as well as any other official items of news about other official events, activities and happenings at Imperial Fields (now known officially as the KNK stadium). The Club will of course continue to share this official news with The Terror via an official club official so that it can also be posted on the unofficial website as corroborated official news. Unofficially this is because his site is deemed by the Club to be the official unofficial site. Once any information has appeared on Official TMUFC (or officially on the unofficial website) then editors, owners, webmasters etc of any other unofficial sites or unofficial social media pages are more than welcome to publish or share that information on their own sites as unofficial officially corroborated information.

Bottom line- please take a look at Official TMUFC on Facebook and "Like" and "share" it with your Facebook friends. On a serious note we hope that this new Facebook page will close part of the gap that we know currently exists with the information communication process.

That's me officially done

Season's greetings to all!

Tim Marcus
Official Club Official


17/12/2015 1:14 am  #2

Re: Official TMUFC

As suggested by Gary I have attached a link to the new Official TMUFC Facebook page


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17/12/2015 8:53 am  #3

Re: Official TMUFC

Hopefully it will be kept up to date, particularly with respect to first team player movements etc and academy news, which are probably the main areas where our communication channels fall down.


17/12/2015 12:00 pm  #4

Re: Official TMUFC

Just to be clear in case anyone has made any incorrect assumptions. The Official TMUFC Facebook page is not owned or run by the Members Club. It was set up by TM United to act as a means of communicating news and information with regards to all teams, activities and events based at the KNK Stadium and those of its partners

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17/12/2015 8:13 pm  #5

Re: Official TMUFC

It was set up by a member of TM United staff on behalf of TM United to promote and inform on all things under the TM United banner. After it had been set up, a member of the Academy staff along with myself were invited to be editors. The  fact that I happen to be a director of the Members Club is irrelevant - in fact I doubt very much the person who invited me has any knowledge  of the Members Club'  workings or that I am a director. Myself and the other individual concerned were invited to be editors for the input we can provide and no other reason. I hope people would agree that I  that  case based on what they have seen on the page so far.

Sorry to disappoint Gary but no ulterior motive or conspiracy theory here for you to speculate about


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17/12/2015 11:26 pm  #6

Re: Official TMUFC

I shall have to leave  you disappointed then Gary with my final word on the matter:

Whilst I have seen the statement on the Members Club website, only recently I might add, I didn't write it myself. Do I think it should now be removed? No. I believe it is factually correct. Do I think it is patronising? No. I suggest you look up the word in a dictionary. I think you'll find it says something along the lines of "treats with apparent kindness which betrays a feeling of superiority". I can't say whether or not any individual person or persons feel they are superior to those that run this forum however I would be very surprised if any football club or Members club official has been treating you with apparent kindness in recent months. You have personally used this forum to mount a one man campaign aimed at destabilising the team and undermining the manager with the sole intention of having him removed from his role by launching numerous personal attacks and criticisms, quoting this player and that player as having said this, that or the other, posting that you've "advised" a player to leave the club, posting that this person or that person has told you he wants the managers job etc etc. And now we've found a bit of form you're congratulating Frank and the team! Nice one.

And you suggest that I or the Members Club are hypocritical? Do me a favour pal!

The sole purpose of my original post was not to "promote" anything. It was simply to inform people - something that both the Club and the Members Club are constantly criticised for not doing. Or in strange twisted sort of way would you have preferred it if the Club had launched the Facebook page and kept it a secret?

I will probably be told by someone soon that I should not be having this debate with you on the forum however  I am not one for playing politics or "towing a political line". When I feel it's appropriate to do so then I'll say what I think and if people don't like that then tough. I will always do what I believe to be right and won't be anyone's puppet. I will be one of the first to agree though that the Members Club as an organisation is a long way from being perfect. However as DeePee eluded to on a previous post, any club or organisation is only as good as the individuals that make it up. Without going into things too deeply, the Members Club is the supporters body that owns 10% of the business at Imperial Fields and is therefore the Supporters body that Steve Adkins chooses to work with. If supporters are unhappy with how the Members Club are working with Steve or how they are (or are not) supporting first team football then simply coming onto a forum like this and moaning about it and criticising them will achieve nothing. If supporters want to see change in the Members Club then they need to "get on board" themselves and make it happen. As I (and DeePee) have said, it's only as good or as bad as the individuals that are in it.

I have a great deal of time for 99.9% of our supporters and those that use this forum however what winds me up more than anything is when people come on forums like this moaning that the "club" (or Members club) should do this that or the other. Who do people think "the club" is? Remember, like most clubs at our level our first team is "run" by Supporters who volunteer to give up their own time for the club. I long for  the day that someone comes onto this forum to say what they will do rather than suggesting what they think someone else (anyone but them!) should do.

Rant over

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18/12/2015 7:57 am  #7

Re: Official TMUFC

The points you make Tim are very pertinent and I am sure are shared by a large amount of Tooting supporters.
As supporters we all have a right to our views, but there is a time and a place for stating them, unfortunately some people do not realise the damage which can be done by constantly stating negatives, irrespective of true or not! to any outsider who happens to stumble upon this forum he must think that were he to visit to Imperial Fields, it would be a very provocative place to go, this obviously is not to the benefit of the club, a club which if current trends continue regarding support, could go the way of many others at this level.


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