Lyn will be running a TMUFC working day on Monday 13th June 2016 doing various jobs around the ground. This will include painting all the external yellow lines & some doors.
No experience is needed. Just man power. People also needed to paint, wash, clean & make tea. We are meeting at 10 - 5pm though you can do just a few hours.
CAN U HELP? YOUR CLUB NEEDS U. Reply to lyn on 07706 333037.
I'll be there. Already booked my door !
Why's this being done during the week again? If it was done at a weekend I could help but can't take holiday days off for this unfortunately. Surely a bigger turn out if this was done on a weekend?
I once painted ' T&MUFC ' with a black aerosol on a wall in Tramway Path that stayed visible for donkey's years, I also sprayed ' TOOTING ' on someone's front garden fence at the Mitcham end of Figges Marsh c1973.
But I don't suppose that's the sort of painting that needs doing on 13th is it ?
BEU - Hoooooooooooligan !
I'll be there from early until about 2.45.
Which end of a paintbrush do you use? I't's been a while.
Can anyone explain why KNK are not doing the painting etc, they are after all the ground sponsors, or is it just the car/van parking only they are interested in ? Anyone going down the club tomorrow to watch the England game ?
I"ll take a punt at that be Geoff.
If we assume their sponsorship gives us £???? of free work each season then surely that is best spent on doing crucial things (plumbing or electrical work for instance) rather than a bit of painting.
Most clubs ask their supporters to help out with basic ground maintenance during the summer.
We just got away with it because the ground was new.
Well it is not now. Quite tatty really.
Even the least practical of us can wield a paintbrush. Surely.
Could not agree with you more 59er, on the surface it appears as if KNK have the better end of the deal, a bit more clarity surely would benefit both parties.
As you rightly say Bondy, " our stadium is new" so surely major works are not required? I remember last season, a minor matter where the mens wc cubicle door was not fixed for some considerable time.
I am not demeaning there contribution to our club but on the surface we do seem to have come off second best.
On a lighter note, just think, if we had not fielded ineligible players, it might have been more!
Last edited by alanj (11/6/2016 8:32 pm)
Be nice to see the club accounts and then you will see the level of input / club dispersal of funds / benefits...
Hi! Nick, correct me if I am wrong but what right do we as supporters have to pry into Mr. Adkins private financial affairs, if Imperial Fields, or whatever name he trades under is a limited company, then my understanding is that any relevant information is lodged in companies house and is available for anyone to see.
At the end of the day, I for one will be forever grateful to him for his financial input to keep the football club running, however large or small that might be, and whatever the reason is for his doing so, because as I keep on saying, without him we as supporters would not have a Saturday, so let us celebrate the fact we do not have an owner like some of our neighbours, and let us look forward to an improved season.
Congratulations to the 20 or so willing volunteers that turned out at a very wet and windy IF today to do those vital little tasks that help to keep the club going.
Paint brushes were waved, yellow paint adorns everything in sight on steps and the ground (Bondy was drinking it thinking it was liquidised chips and ask to see Phil's new yellow nail varnish !), doors were painted black (well, almost all of each door anyway), fencing was repaired, tea was made, Stewards day-glo attire was washed and a good time was had by all !
Thanks from Lyn for all those who gave up their time to assist.
Last edited by DeePee (13/6/2016 5:22 pm)
You will know which arrow straight lines were mine because Auntie Lyn made me do them with a toothbrush.
From now on can we ask the zebra clad to engage in the childhood game of not stepping on any lines when migrating from one end to the other.
Although the way that yellow paint is clinging to my skin makes me think it should last for many seasons to come.
Sounds like a reasonable turn out. (I was on holiday!) I seem to remember that last year the turn out was quite a bit less. So well done to everyone who showed up.
I spent most of the day in the boozer prior to going to a concert in Kentish Town and I didn't want to turn up at the gig covered in yellow paint.
I'm struggling to come to terms with the feeling of guilt
So you should Boggie ................ but there'll be another chance to redeem yourself soon.