The 5 worst league attendances are:
At number 5 its Southall v Harefield with 9.
In equal 3rd place we have Southall v Camberley and and Kingsbury v Clapton with 7.
The runner up is Clapton v Abingdon with 2.
But the clear winner is Barking v Wembley with 0!
0 ! bloody hell, I only ever played Sunday League football but I don't think I ever played in front of a crowd of less than that.
Before the Terror chimes in - can I be the first to point out that nobody has ever played in front of less than 0 people.
That was for your benefit Endo after your " looking younger than under 21" comment after the Barnsley game. Me taking the piss basically.
Aren't you supposed to put a LOL or a smiley afterwards?
Incidentally, the 0 attendance game was actually played behind closed doors for some reason, so probably not fair to put it top of this list!