After having shelled out £25 of my hard earned cash.......I'd better rephrase that......after having shelled out £25 of my cash to sponsor the Man Of The Match award in the season's opener against Herne Bay I was expecting to see a photo in the next programme of myself presenting the bottle of bubbly shampoo to my choice Tenny, but no, nothing ! I wouldn't normally mention it but I'd gone to the trouble the night before of trimming my thatch-like barnet, having a shave and even ironing my Fred Perry polo shirt to look my best. And just to rub salt into the wound, Saturday's programme has a picture of Ian Bullock with his choice Olly Bennett, not only a picture but a 1/3rd of a page full colour number !! I'm lucky if I get a passport sized black & white jobby. I'm deeply disappointed.
Oh, also me and Joe forked out 75 nicker to sponsor Danny Bassett's kit and yet in the programme it says Danny Bassett sponsored by Danny Bassett ! Sort it out mate, eh ?
Whinge moan moan whinge !!
Alright already - I resign. I'll send all the relevant paperwork over to you so's you can start cracking on with the Staines programme then !
Was it something I said ?
[img]file:///C:/Users/David/Documents/Tooting%20&%20Mitcham/Programmes%202016-17/5%20-%20Staines%20Lge%20Cup/Tenny%20MoM%20enhanced.jpg[/img]A horrendous photograph has emerged of the fateful day when Bog End McUltra begrudgingly handed over the champoo to the worthy winner Tenny Adebowale.
The gruesome details of the purveyor have been censored to protect the innocent young persons (like Hackbridge Harry) that may be watching this Forum.
Last edited by DeePee (06/9/2016 3:40 pm)
Is that the paramilitary wing of the Tooting Popular Front?
He looks a real piece of work, fancy meeting him in cold blows alley on a dark winters night.
Who is the guy with all the tatts?