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16/1/2017 11:17 am  #1

A Tale of Two Tackles

I've seen the video footage of the tackle that resulted in Jordan Wilson having 14 stitches inserted in a gaping wound. I have to say, the ball was loose and both Jordan and the Hythe player (let's call him Vlad The Impaler) went in for it 100% commited but I honestly don't believe either of them threw themselves into the challenge with anything in mind other than to win the tackle. The referee didn't even stop play, never mind issue a card. It was a blood curdling collision though, a bit like hurling yourself at full throttle into the teeth of one of those JCB road diggers and must've hurt like Billy-O. Jordan is made of stern stuff though and provided there are no complications when he has the stitches out on Thursday he reckons on being back in a couple of weeks.

That brings me on to the assault on Mike Dixon on Saturday. You can't really call it a tackle because the full back, Malachi Robinson ( I know that name, did he used to play for us ) made no attempt to play the ball whatsoever, it was a deliberate attempt ( a successful one it must be added ) to kick Dixon out of the game. So our 2 goal striker has to be assisted from the pitch and have an ice-pack administered to a badly swollen ankle whilst his assailant is allowed to continue with the lily livered punishment of a yellow card. To add to the injustice of it all Robinson then goes and scores East Grinstead's second goal. I was fuming 


16/1/2017 2:26 pm  #2

Re: A Tale of Two Tackles

I think you are right Cricket, Malachi did play for us, not the sort of name that is easy to forget.
Good news if that info for being able to play in a couple of weeks proves to be correct, we could have done with him on Saturday.


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