A new Ranking Hierarchy has been installed:
New Registrants - New Member
10 Posts - Member
20 Posts - Cadette Terror (like that?)
30 Posts - Lce Corporal Terror
...and so on.
There are higher Ranks for 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500, 750 and 1000 for the higher echelons of the Bog End Army.
So whether you want to be a 'Bog End Bombadier' or a 'Bog End Don' get posting!!!
Last edited by The Administrator (17/5/2013 3:07 pm)
Wish i thought of that LOL
I've gotta take my hat off to you Mr Administrator, that's a blinding idea.
Soon this Bog End Ultra could be a Bog End cool would that be ???
If Stan Churchilman registers on this forum he'd probably be a Field Marshall in a fortnight !!!!
Does anyone know if Tim Megone posts on here under some pseudonym because Bog End Tim the Bog End Don has got a nice ring to it.
I am wondering if we should allow a special edition Rank for 'Little Bill' as BOG END Bugler?