I am no longer the only person with our iconic club crest tattooed upon their personage. Such is the modesty of the previously untattooed individual that not only is he not going to show it off but he says he's not even going to tell anyone ! Modesty by the way is not a virtue you would normally associate with the bloke. He is of the opinion that heavily tattooed individuals are egotists that walk around going "Look at me and my tattoos", a point of view I fail to concur with.
Blimey... Is it Anthony....
Fear not Harry, it's somebody at the opposite end of the age/weight scale from Ant.
His identity however can't be revealed, I'm sworn to secrecy
Well it can't be Dave Irons as I've seen him wearing a Tottenham hat so he obviously doesn't care what people think of him....
Plus he's not at the opposite end of the weight scale from Anthony.........oh, hold on a minute
Bondy ???????
DeePee wrote:
Bondy ???????
Maybe not Dave. For I have actually witnessed our very own Bondy at his secret training camp in Cheam. No, not eating burgers, but...JOGGING
Whilst I happily demonstrate my allegiance to the mighty T&M by frequently stepping out in the stylish monogrammed wardrobe provided for me by Tim my body is, and shall remain, un inked.
It is a foolish craze seized upon by the idiotic yuff who will soon be hammering on the doors of their doctors surgeries demanding the free removal of their ridiculous tats on the NHS.
Unless that is the next global conflict sees me called up to the navy, which at my age seems unlikely.
Therefore you must look elsewhere.
I wouldn't be able to take the pain so it's not me!
It aint that fat tub of lard Roy Sisley is it ?
Harold Larwood wrote:
It aint that fat tub of lard Roy Sisley is it ?