Before I go into the land of Doctors and Nurses I wanted to congratulate Tim Marcus for a excellent Face book page. I think the information on there is very good complemented by in my opinion a very talented Sports photographer his partner Sam.
Please promote it and see if we can get more people interested in Tooting.
Could not agree more Gary, where would we be without the people who give up their spare time freely so we can enjoy our matchday experience.
My one hope is now we are coming into the season of goodwill, the club remembers these people and makes a gesture of thank`s, it does not need to cost a fortune, just a small token showing how much their efforts are appreciated.
Thanks Gary. We do what we can and your acknowledgement is appreciated. Wishing you all the best
alanj wrote:
Could not agree more Gary, where would we be without the people who give up their spare time freely so we can enjoy our matchday experience.
That's an excellent point you make Ashtree, which is most unusual for you, I think we sometimes take them for granted but I agree with you (for once) and I hope their efforts are appreciated by the club as much as they are by the likes of me and you (or you and I, as DeePee would insist upon me saying).
Some people do sod all apart from moan, I remember a couple of seasons back there was a geezer in the bar moaning his tits off because the date on the front of the programme was wrong, he went on and on until Pete Woodhouse had enough and invited him to go forth and multiply (which he did to be fair). "FCUK OFF !!!!!"