Does anyone know what the club's (not players and coaching staff but those who run it) actual ambition is regarding to where they want the club to be within the league structure and what it is doing to get there?
I wonder if their is any ev, we know what Steve stated a while ago about playing at a higher level, but since last season, have we seen an influx of players who have played at a higher level that will enable the club to move forward, no not at all, so I think that tells us a lot about "the ambition of the club"
So as supporters all we can do is accept it and try to enjoy the experience, as difficult as that might be.
No ambition at all what a difference a year makes! Being around the club is abit unsavoury at the moment. Volunteers who give up their own time to do jobs on match days and non match days around the club are being asked to pay to get into games. Also accusations of derogatory comments from the terraces are being pinned on certain individuals without any evidence!
Are you sure about your comment regarding match day volunteers, if it is the case then whoever sanctioned it should be ashamed of themselves. Where would this club be without them.
I wonder if someone from the club would care to enlighten us with an explanation.
Not all of them just certain individuals which probably makes it worse.
I hope they were given very good reasons for this prejudiced action.
What the club needs to remember is that without these volunteers the club would not be able to provide a game on a Saturday and this revenue stream would dry up and the club fold, but perhaps that would not be too big an issue for them.