Just started up a blog which I'm planning to ask for peoples stories about TMUFC.
Will also ask for other teams views on us which could either be a huge mistake or a good idea.
Once I've worked out a little bit more about how the thing works I'll start posting more stuff up.
Linked a couple of things onto the @hackbridgeharry twitter feed.
Get thinking and get writing.
It works a treat Harry, thanks for that I now have it in my favourites.
On a different subject, I was thinking of going down to Imperial Fields today to see the game, but I just have not got the stomach for it after our abysmal season, still raw, but I certainly wish them well.
Like yourself 59er I do not think I could enjoy watching another team playing as the home side, on OUR PITCH!
I feel we as supporters have every right to feel envious of the Hamlets success.
What it should do is motivate ourselves starting with Tuesday 22nd.
It shows what can be achieved with a bit of effort on our part.
Let us hope for a good turn out, if nothing else but to show Harry how much his, and others, hard work is appreciated
Going to be putting another post up in a day or two.... All finished but waiting for the dust to settle from the play off games at the end of the season.
Social media is good but it's easy for stuff to get lost amongst every thing else.
Please get writing and thinking back on happier times. I'm not going to use the blog to attack people. There's been far too much in fighting over the years. I want to show a united front to the world so no personal attacks.
Stories about daftness, drunkenness and other terrace tales are encouraged...
DM on here or email me at
Get writing....
Brassneck wrote:
There have been some cracking articles in the programme over recent years. Is there any chance of reusing some of those?
I think writing a long article is a bit daunting for some and obviously time consuming. How about features on supporters based on the 60 second type interviews in the Metro (e.g. ). Questions could be things like:
First game
Favourite Game
Weirdest Experience
Why do you support Tooting etc.
Sure you could think of some more interesting questions. Would give a good insight into the club and some of the great supporters we have,
Brilliant Idea....
I'll think up some other questions...
Anything you'd like from past proggies just ask away H
DeePee wrote:
Anything you'd like from past proggies just ask away H
Cheers Mate.... x