Do we know who is responsible for employing/selecting the new manager and how the process is going.
I assume Steve but is he receiving any guidance?
Just getting concerned with the delay, and the choice for pre-season friendlies is getting smaller with all our local rivals getting theirs In place.
We need someone with experience in the premiership and there is a few that have left different clubs so far we won’t get any of those so they are scratching their heads trying to get someone stupid enough to take on the role
I buy the Non League paper every week & there has been nothing on there advertising the managerial post at Tooting & Mitcham. My guess would be, as Mr. Adkins is due to speak at the Member"s AGM on Wednesday, that he would outline the future of the club. As for the Manager"s job my guess would be that he will keep it within. Alan, I dont think Mr. Adkins gets any guidance as there is not an awful load of people that know the Isthmian league in the way a lot of the supporters do.
Why do we need a Manager !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????
Surely Geoff It makes sense to speak, and seek the advice of those who do.
All we have seen, since the loss of Billy and George, is a variety of people, none of whom have proven suitable for the long term, to give the club the stability it requires.
Perhaps the AGM will give us, as supporters, the opportunity to have an honest and frank discussion with Steve, for the benefit of the club.
Let us hope for a good turn out, especially from those who are quick to critisize on the forum, as the only way forward is through dialogue.
Last edited by alanj (24/5/2018 9:53 am)
Bloody dialogue, everyone knows what's wrong with the Football team, it needs action, and the members club meeting will not provide any of this. Along with others who are long time supporters I have criticize consistently. I have watched over the years and the team has become a shambles and almost a non-entity. Where was the dialogue when thing were going wrong this season......complete silence. Not drinking in a brewery comes to mind!
Enjoy your meaningless Members Club chat.
With that kind of mind set Mikem, how can you ever expect to see a change for the good at OUR club.
Citicism on here alone will not change things.
Perhaps, just perhaps, if we can prove to Steve how much we all care his stance might change.
Doing nothing will achieve exactly that.
I di not have mind set, I have a view, and will remain so until the Team either collapses, or there are drastic change within the operation that has control over the team. Go ask all those valuable volunteers who gave money and time, and who tried their best for keeping the team going, and those loyal fans who have had enough, all of whom have now disappeared.
Go and ask Hackbridge Harry why he resigned as a director of the members club. Apart from some invaluable INDIVIDUALS who done a great job over the years, "The Members Club" is not fit for purpose!
I gave more lot in time and money, but realised my own and others the futility in trying to change anything. Your just another in the long line of procession, which think they can change status Quo!
Top of your agenda, should be how to increase the humiliating attendances which frequent home games at this completely soulless ground. Perhaps we should be the warm up act before Dulwich home games. See where this discussion leads you, and you will find the core issue in what is wrong with the team and the operating behind it.
This is not a Football Club, just a team, which is bottom of the ladder within i's own organisation.
It is a good thing Harry Is still prepared to give his valuable spare time to improve things, he has not just accepted the status quo!
The meeting organised by Harry is for just the thing we all require, greater awareness of the club locally along with improving the fan base.
I can not disagree with your view Mike, it is a view I have shared for some time, but unlike yourself I am not prepared for it to cloud my judgement as to what is required at our club to change things.
Hopefully this new initiative from Harry will achieve just that, but if we do not try we will never know.
HH is working outside the members club, why????????????????
I repeat the Members Club not fit for purpose!
I have not clouded my judgement, I am realistic about the situation, I have not just arrived at supporting this once wonderful football club, which is now just a team in name only.
The reason is obvious Mike, that is why working on our own initiative is required.
Change will not happen of it`s own accord, we have to try and make it.
If it does not come, then look for an alternative option.
Your just another one in a dead end road..... Do you think fans over the years have been sitting around for years doing nothing. Options have been investigated by a few fans, but they have always encountered two major road blocks. Subsequently these creative souls have banished into thin air!
I hope you turn up to the Members Club meeting on the correct day, they cannot even get the right day correct. What a great start!
Take lots of coffee and tranquilisers with you.
"Jesus"! how did we wind up in the situation we found ourselves in.
So for those supporters who keep requesting Steve to put his hands in his pockets, might I suggest they take a step back and think about the contribution he is making already.
When is enough not enough?
All the more reason to support Harrys initiative, and get this club back to where we all want it to be.
Corinthian casuals season ticket £90 for over 60's.lots of good football to watch locally next season.i expect us to have a cheap manager and cheap squad.
59er& AJ, I have just been reading your recent messages under this forum posting. I am fully aware you are both trying to achieve for the Football Team which many have attempted before, with some serious alternatives, without any success. I wish you both well in your endeavours, along with HH.
However , as you have started to realise there is no silver bullet, just a Dummy One! After reading the quote on the 1st Team budget being £100,000 I am totally flabbergasted. This only confirms what a state and shambles the club has been in since the move to Imperial Fields, especially since 2005. The stated budget equates to £2500 per week during the Football season, This is not only an appalling waste of money, but an insult to the remaining loyal fans. and an indictment and the total inadequacy of those responsible for running the team.
Or is the budget amount just an accounting exercise to include internal accounting expenses, to make the budget amount look generous and other accounting and Tax benefits! Either way the situation is totally pathetic.
Like many of the longer enduring and suffering Terror fans, I have spent well over £100,000 over the many years supporting team, whether on entrance fees, travel, programmes , raffles, fund raising or just throwing money into the blanket which circulated during half time at Sandy Lane.
So 59er, if you think I am going to join the 100 club support this abortion of a shambles which conspires to run our team, I think not!!
I think there are some serious questions to be asked at the Members Club AGM, if anyone has the nerve to ask.
I repeat, I wish you every success in your endeavours.
Mike, the £100,000 being banded about includes the playing budget, entry into the league, cup competitions, membership to the FA, the Surrey FA, the London FA etc.
Geoff, if a only a generous allocation of only £80,000 for the playing budget and £20,000 to all the other incidentals you have mentioned that would still leave £2000 per week on players budget. Something is drastically wrong here. This is a complete shambles!!!!
And how much revenue do u think a match day of dulwich and pitches make. All i can ask is that someone will let us no the situation regarding manager and next seasons genreal info soon. Most clubs are recruiting and have pre season games already up along with prices of season tickets and general prices not this club tho. This is the reason many people are fed up of situation at min.
I was at a BBQ Saturday and got talking to a player who was in the Cray Valley side that beat us in the London Senior Cup. He is looking for a new club and was told of my links at TMUFC.
He asked about any dates for trials etc. and any news on the management set up for next season. Neither question I could help with.
This makes us look pretty bad, don't forget that all the players at our level are often friends with each other and players at other clubs. I do worry that we made been seen as a club to avoid for various reasons.
The lack of information on pre season friendlies and season ticket prices are annoying but the lack of information on the management set up is not good at all.
I honestly can not believe there has been no communication at all from club regarding season tickets for next season or manager. Its a bit of a mess to say the least. Am seriously thinking of jumping ship. Its ridiculous.
Personally I am not bothered regarding season ticket prices, they will be what they will be and I will still buy one.
What does concern me is the amount of players making commitments to various other teams, I know at the present things can change, but if you are not in the market place then what will you wind up with, goods which no one wanted and another disappointing season.
Alan J, As someone purporting to encourage fans to watch the Terrors you should be ashamed of yourself concerning comments regarding Season Tickets. You may be in a financial position not to care about season tickets, but many are not. Most clubs are offering season tickets at the end of the season for the following season, allied with plans for the following season. You have no idea the financial position of those fans who have complained about season tickets, they use this as a way of ensuring their costs are reduced over the season if they want to watch all games! They also want to know what they are getting for their commitment and their hard earned cash.
The shambles rumbles on!
Mikem, my comments regarding cost are purely a personal view, or am I not allowed one?
You are always looking to make a contentious point which has no relevance. Of course I know not everyone is in the same position financially, I do not live in a cocoon.
But once again you choose to make a point that bears no resemblance to the original statement made.
Regarding your post on another thread, I hope to meet you this evening at the club where I hope you will raise the points you made, and like yourself, await the answers.
Yes they are a personal view, and so are the others who post on here, especially those complaining about season tickets. As for attending a Members Club Meeting, I would rather go outside my house and have a chat with the lamppost. It would be more intelligent and pro-active.
Never having met your lamppost, you may be right, but if we just give up and never express our views and try to change things, they will never improve..