The members club will be organising a Meet the Manager Q&A for members at the earliest opportunity. The date will be advertised shortly.
This Members only event will take place at 12.30 on Saturday July 14th prior to our home friendly v Ramsgate.
Last edited by Andy Harrup (28/6/2018 12:56 pm)
Cheers Andy, look forward to it.
I dont particularly care who is organising this meeting with the football management. I believe all the fans should be invited to attend. They pay to watch the team so its only right that they should be there to hear from the management. On another point lets not forget the people that belong to the supporters club which the number is far greater than the members club.
Good point Geoff, I did not realise it was going to be attended by a "SPECIAL" few!
I would just attend anyway, at the end of the day we all have a right to.
If you shop all the time at Tesco for example you wouldn't expect to be invited to a share holders meeting unless you are a share holder - correct!
So why do you expect to be invited to a Members club (share holders) meeting if you are not a member?
Dave - its a meet the manager Q&A - not a shareholders meeting.
According to Andy's post its a "Members only event".
Yes - but I think that is the query. Even if the members have arranged it, are they really going to exclude non members from it.
At the end of the day I would suggest just turning up, after all, members or supporters, we all have the same interest in the club.
I do not think the members club will be employing door staff.
So does this mean that when the whole club needs to try build for the future and support the new management team many supporters will not to allowed into the meeting ?
I'm still in the members club so I'm allowed in.... But I won't go unless the event is open for all of our supporters.
Like you Harry I am in the members club, but I am also a member of the supporters club, but if it is not open to all, like yourself I will not attend.
Ditto, we're turning into the the frigging Freemasons aren't we ?