Hi everyone. Its that time of year again when we start a new round of initiatives for fund raising in addition to the volunteer services we provide to keep the show on the road. Our target again, which we have been doing for a number of years, is to provide financial support for football budget and specifically our management team.
It also the time of year when you renew your membership and a big thank you to those who have already renewed and paid up. Its vital that the membership stays strong and doesn't waiver, as we look to the future.
Andy Harrup is our membership secretary and as you know he had a serious health scare earlier this year. He is currently having a well earned break in the sun for a week or so. Previously he has had a fair bit of nonsense thrown at him about the members club which hasn't made his task any easier. So this year make his life easier when he gets back and give him your completed forms. They can be found on
One valid criticism is a lack of information and we are working on that. As a start Graham Newsom is heading up communications within the club as a whole. We are looking also to create some social events for members and that is Glen Slade's current project. Don't hold back in sending in your questions, we will try to answer where we can and where things are confidential we still have someone sitting at the top table on the members behalf.
Has anybody who is a member of the members club got any information. At the last AGM (which was a shamble) the chairman Mr. C Wooley said at the end of it that there will be an EGM. What year will that be held, after all the AGM took two years in the making. Surely he & his directors must have had meetings or is the membership all about taking our money every year/
Hi everyone yes its quite right the MC has been having meetings and the various teams have been working hard at developing new initiatives. By the way we all have first names and can be approached at any time. We have relied a little too much on word of mouth and that is because we have been putting together a new communications team. Its been an exciting time because we have had an influx of new volunteers all who just want to do things for the club without expecting anything in return. They come from the world of PR, marketing, business and lately from the world of the media. It's taking time to bed in but already you will see the changes to the official website.
Rather than steal their thunder we won't go into too much detail as we plan to hold a meeting soon which will be open to all fans this time. I think members would prefer that to an EGM which is more about formal business and we aim to have an AGM by the end of the season and we have had mainly positive feed back from the last one. Before that though there is going to be a race night, watch this space.
Lastly we have a brand new membership secretary, Tom Paine, do get to know him because fans being members is essential if we want to look after our shareholding in the club and help make the future secure