Just had 2 women in my warehouse buying some bathroom taps. While I was taking payment, one of them, spotting my Terrors mug on the office counter says " Oh my God, I don't believe it !!! Are you a Tooting and Mitcham person ?"
"Yes" I replied. " You must know my brother then " she said. " Who's that ?" I asked. " Paul Piggott " she said. " Nah, never 'eard of 'im" I said.
It was your skin & blister Shirley, Paul.
It's a small world.
Nice to see you on the bog end Chris when you coming back to the ground
donnyc wrote:
when you coming back to the ground
I'll try and drag the Ball & Chain along to a game soon Don.........if I can remember how to get there
Good on you kid
Never 'eard of 'er!
You MUST remember her Paul, she's the one who got you in trouble with your mum after the regrettable incident with the lingerie drawer, the bottle of Domestos and the jar of Vaseline.
Ring any bells ?