This weekend I managed to fulfill an erotic fantasy I've dreamed about for years. I'm not usually one to boast of my sexual conquests, largely due to the fact I hardly ever have any. Last night however I persuaded (not that she took much persuading) my girlfriend to wear my replica Tooting & Mitcham shirt whilst we made love. Now I may not be the first Bog Ender to have indulged in this pleasure but I bet I'm the first and only to have done it with a shirt signed by Michail Antonio
Next time I'll get her to wear a Chelsea shirt
Good morning "Cricket", it`s good to hear you are keeping yourself fit.
Just think though, if your favourite sport was ice hockey and your favourite kit was the goal minder it would have put one heck of a damper on your activities/enjoyment.
Hope you are keeping well and judging by the posting it appears you are.
When are you coming to "Imperial Fields" again, your megacone is required on the terraces.