As well as witnessing a great game last Saturday, there was also something else to celebrate. Ian Bullock was made a lifetime Vice President of the club. This is a really deserved honour for him, and richly deserved for his years of voluntary and devoted service to the club, and not matched by any individual alive today. Over many decades I have gradually become friends with Ian, whom I find a quiet unassuming and friendly caring person, who has worked as an unsung hero over many years, whether at Sandy Lane or Imperial Fields.
I was sitting in the old wooden stand at Sandy Lane, when at half time during a game there was announcement “There would be an official opening of the newly built tea bar at the Sandy Lane End.” A young lady sitting behind me was escorted by club officials to open the new facility. I thought this elegantly dressed lady with a light grey fur coat was a film star or model, or maybe just Edna Smith from Figges Marsh, who knows! What’s this to do with Ian. Well a few years later he was one off three amigos who volunteered to man the tea bar on match days. The door hatches would open, and pinned on the doors were lots of press clippings of previous matches. I assume Ian was responsible for this display. Over the years this was always interesting reading for many a home or away fan.
This was always a busy tea bar, before games, at half time, and sometimes during a game. Who will never forget the rubber burgers, slightly reddish radio active sausages, washed down with a cup of Wandle tea or coffee. But the queues and banter always returned on match days. Those were the days, who needs jerky chicken. Ian still keeps his hand in, helping with the match day hospitality in the board room.
Perhaps Ian’s great contribution is researching and collating the history of the club. The Larger than life club President and Publican John (Jack) Beard, kept every match day result and team line up from 1887 (Tooting Town) until his passing in 1951, sadly all of the records have subsequently disappeared. Ian now has a very extensive record of games and scores from the inception of the joint name club formed in 1932 (Tooting Town and Mitcham Wanderers). This a precious history of our club, and has provided many articles or content for books etc. Ian also provides some great articles in the match day programme, including match reports, past games, and historical statistics. The match day programme is worth buying just for his contribution.
Congratulations Ian on everything you undertake for the club.
Last edited by Mikem (26/9/2019 3:29 pm)
And of course part time linesman...
Congratulations "Ian" a well deserved reward and could not have been presented to a nicer guy.
Not before time either!