“The Bogend Forum for Tooting and Mitcham Utd FC fans”

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22/10/2014 2:42 pm  #1

Carshalton Forum Posting

A topic has been removed by the originator on a subject regarding recruitment of Carshalton fans. The link at the bottom of this message  provides the original information.

I posted a comment on the oringal meesage,  and I am responding to  comments made by Alanj

We have had to  endure enough problems with our own Football Team  and  the shambolical and farcical  state the club has endured over the last few years. Who goes around trolling other club's websites  and posting comments which openly  encourages disloyalty of a team which fans have had a life long passion.

The Carshalton fans were exchanging messages about a game, they do  not want messages about T&M.  When our team were the laughing stock of local non lague football, did any of our rivals come on our forum and suggest we go  and support them!

99.9% of long term fans will always support the team they have an allegience to. If problems prevent them attending home matches they will generally select a local game to  attend each week.

Why should our supporters get involved with anothe club's forum, when there are still many issue to be resolved with the operation of our own team!.




22/10/2014 3:27 pm  #2

Re: Carshalton Forum Posting

I do not think you could have fully read, or understood, what I was encorouging Mike.
Like I stated, you do not walk away from the team you have always supported, and hopefully the man who now controls it will eventually go away, but until he does, those of you who are banned from the home games are always welcome to our ground to " get your football fix", on the Saturdays when Carshalton are at home, and I reminded them of the date for our home game with them 01-01-15.
As fans we should sympathise with them, "there but for the grace of god" and all that.


23/10/2014 3:26 pm  #3

Re: Carshalton Forum Posting

The Little mans teacher is a Carshalton fan and really helped get Anthony into no league football as most of his friends followed the teams in the Premiership.

Such a shame what has gone on over there. This chap no longer goes as his friends have been banned...
They are rivals but I really hope things sort themselves out sooner father than later.


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