I watched the recent Sky Documentary in which the then joint manager Cornelius said that the joint manager thing wasnt working this was apparently told to him by the chairman and then he left by mutual consent ( sacked )
Then a coach at the club was promoted to the same position that was previously occupied by Cornelius,now i dont know about anybody else but that doesant seem to make much sense to me,anyone else out there make any sense of that decision ?
Mr Adkins moves in mysterious ways!
Hi Dan,
Does it really make a difference!
No Mike you are right i just couldant see the logic
Brassneck you couldant have read my post properly if you read it at all.
Have you seen the sky documentery cornelius said quite clearly he was told that the joint management idea was not working so he went why therefore would you then promote another coach to become assistant manager basically doing the same job that cornelius was doing and no i dont see that as normal.
The Question is:-
"Are Tooting a normal Football Club."
Last edited by Mikem (05/9/2022 8:44 am)