Time to do the right thing and step down before this club ceases to exist. Do the right thing and walk away...... members club serve your members and do the right thing....
Wolfie, the owner would only replace him with another "yes man".
Well are you adkins apologists gonna come on and defend the indefensible come on BRASSNUT,BESTY,and PODDING HEAD you all seem very quiet now.
Post from Dave irons ( doesant have a computer ).
Just got home from yet another dire,inept, half hearted performance by a team of sunday morning players at best.How long do the 80ish supporters that went and spent their money have to put up with this crap.
Its the same week in week out with no sign of ending.
we are already out of 4 cups and 2nd to bottom in the league and we have become a laughing stock of a team getting beatenby a team without a ground of their own and averaging crowds around the 50 mark.
oh how all the teams in our division will miss our travelling support, but what the ishmian league loses the combined counties will gain.
Daly and Corey were dropped today along with James the keeper (Stood next to them for the whole game). One of the 'fans' said Corey was injured - he said himself he was dropped (wonder which one was right...?) As soon as I saw the team picked on FWP, I said "This is a team picked to lose today". Jaiden Chang. Hopeless again. Kirlew-Wright. Worse than hopeless. Jordan, as Captain, had an off day.
When the fans behind the goal were expressing their wrath (which I've never heard before..) a member of the 'back room/management team' walked past and said 'The fans are f***ing p1ssing me off" - pretty disgusted by that. How does he and the rest of the 'team' think the idiots who go along and pay to watch that garbage feel about the management?
The other overheard snippet was all of the players on the 'players committee' were dropped for today (apart from Jordan). Nice one Ash - were you making a point? A point about how woeful we are and how easy it would be to lose to SCR?
No commitment. No passion. No steel. Zero organisation.
Last edited by Andy P (22/10/2022 6:44 pm)
Ashley last time you threw cornelius under the bus this time throw yourself you really do not have any f......
shame and whats more no guts
The worst thing for me about this whole s... show is i just read Hackbridge Harrys sons instagram post
that kid is devastated at the way our club has been allowed to go.
If you cut that boy he would bleed black and white.
I just hope you members club w...... are proud of yourselves that a young lad who has followed the club since he was a little kid is now in tears because of what you have done to his club.
Delusional probably the physio Bruno who piped up as he come around the pitch. We've been here a lot longer than the management. Fans make the club and a lot are leaving in their droves walk the plank and do us all a favour before tooting walk the plank into the combined counties
Unfortunately i dont think they are listening wolfie
They won't as it doesn't suit the agenda people voice their opinion and they look at you as they think you're stupid!Lowest position we've been in years and people just stand around accepting it....
It was time for Ashley to go at the same time as Cornilius. If Adkins wanted a proper change he would have got rid of both of them at the same time. In the absence of any recent statement from the owner about the direction of the club, we are left to speculate on his motives. This experiment seems to be the cheapest way he can put a team out to justify the title of football club owner and satisfy the requirements of any grants that may have been applied for over the years and back up his claim he is doing a lot for the community. He is arguably the worst type of football club owner. Others bet the bank in the search for success and lose the lot. Adkins is the opposite, he won't bet one penny on the team if he thinks he will lose that penny. He has found a manager who is more than willing to work with an ever decreasing playing budget and that ties in with the social experiment that is running in the background.
Ashley is very limited in the number of quality players he can attract to the club and has shown very little ability in turning what he has got into a competitive team. While I agree that Ashley should be replaced immediately, that would not necessarily improve matters if Adkins does not change his attitude towards the club. Adkins is the real problem, not the manager.
Last edited by Andy Mc (23/10/2022 10:10 am)
Wolfie - It was indeed Bruno...I appreciate his friustration but hope he appreciates ours too
AndyMc - Agree with all you say. The performance yesterday was even more woeful than usual. We were playing Sutton Common - not Barcelona or PSG - and made to look utterly clueless. No leadership at all. Daly and James and Cory looked seriously p1ssed off on the sidelines.