“The Bogend Forum for Tooting and Mitcham Utd FC fans”

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03/10/2024 9:13 am  #1

" Boot money and the End of Shamateurism in English Football "

After " The Tooting Terrors In The 70s " , there will be no more T & M books from me - not a lot to write about since the 1970s ! But, I have written and recently published a book with the above title - fascinating topics. Cover price is £10. Cost by post is £15-25 - second class post in a padded envelope. Details from me at brooksjeff18@aol.com 
I am aiming to be at the match v Sandhurst on Saturday 26th. October and will have some copies with me. If anyone
wants to purchase a copy, I will be at the back of the stand.


04/10/2024 3:21 pm  #2

Re: " Boot money and the End of Shamateurism in English Football "

Blimey Jeff, you could write volumes on the team since 1970! Good luck with your new creation. I am sure you were aware Tooting were caught  at one time in the shamateurism fiasco?


07/10/2024 8:40 am  #3

Re: " Boot money and the End of Shamateurism in English Football "

I did mean the playing fortunes of the club since the 1970s, Mike ! A lot has happened off the pitch. Not least, 
relocation, which I covered in my 2002 book, " Tooting On The Move ". Now, sadly out of print but can still get
individual copies printed if anyone is interested.

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10/10/2024 4:12 pm  #4

Re: " Boot money and the End of Shamateurism in English Football "

Just finished reading Jeff's book.

An excellent buy.

Highly recommended.


11/10/2024 9:55 am  #5

Re: " Boot money and the End of Shamateurism in English Football "

Thanks, Stan.
I mentioned my book " Tooting On The Move " in a previous post. Out of print but have noticed that there is a second hand copy on Amazon Books for £23-25. The cover price was £5-95 !

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