Am looking to introduce a couple of small new items into the club shop soon; key rings and fridge magnets. Any thoughts or suggestions as to what design you would like to see on them asides from the obvious one, that being the club crest?
Frankie Fridge Magnets....
Knocky Key Rings ??
Badiali Boxing Gloves
Could we get some commemorative sixpences minted, with Craig on one side and the badge on the other.
They would be Tanner's tanners.
Shame we weren't Leatherhead then we could have Tanner's Tanner tanners!
"......we could have Tanner's Tanner tanners!"
Oh dear - this sketch is getting SILLY !
What about if they were in a sunbed shop...
...........or a pet shop buying a parrot ?
A couple of new items seem to be on offer here.....
Last edited by Hackbridge Harry (29/1/2015 8:36 am)
How about car stickers
Agreed, good call. .................and scarves with the Name & Logo/Crest on them.
For our handful of female followers, how about ' The Stefan Cox ' range of sanitary towels, with a slogan on the box.......' IN FOR A WEEK, OUT FOR A MONTH '
Bog End Ultra wrote:
For our handful of female followers, how about ' The Stefan Cox ' range of sanitary towels, with a slogan on the box.......' IN FOR A WEEK, OUT FOR A MONTH '
Yes (lol - a lot!), a range involving 'in and out' and a name like Cox........I think this has merit.
Same as if The Shack was to change contract, a burger bar at the ground called 'Roy Sizzle-y' (yes I'll get my coat)
How about "Badiali" nut crackers.?
A serious idea-black baseball caps with the club badge on them
They used to do car stickers, good way to put our name about. That's sobered up the postings for a few seconds! I would be in for a magent and a key ring as long as there is not a picture of Mr Adkins, as much as I worship him, I don't want the thought he was in my pocket or looking at me every time I went and got my yoguart out of the fridge!
Trevor, we have black peaked caps with traditional club badge on. Would you like one?
Yes please