Congratulations to ETD on reaching his dotage. Pensioner rate for him at Chipstead without even having to ask for it!
I thought he was looking a bit more aged today !
I have never felt so insulted in my whole life. If it wasn't for the fact that I got in for 4 quid less I would have put a complaint in. With my Winter beard now in place they obviously thought that I was DeePee instead of the Peter Pan of Imperial Fields
Mmmmmmmmm - more like the Captain Hook of Imperial Fields methinks
You are all just so jealous of my boyish good looks.
Offline boyish good looks.......
Oooh, sorry, was that you Ev - for a minute I thought that description fitted Mr Ultra
It's Specs Savers for you Deeps!
evthedog wrote:
It's Specs Savers for you Deeps!
What are you insinuating Grandad ?