Don't worry, there was no crowd trouble but after the game both dannycollins and casey were detained by the Typewriter Police and charged with various offences including 'Inappropriate use of the Space Bar' 'Punctuation Violations' and the more serious 'Failure to use the Caps Lock key' on their keyboards.Both were released on Bail and are expected to attend Tuesday's game with Chatham. My good Buddy MikeM was also questioned but released without charge. Gary Walker was cautioned about his spelling and released on the proviso he attends an English Language Course.
Guilty as charged.Sorry long time since I was at school.I just want to write what's on my mind.I want us promoted,that's all!!!!!!!
just to let you know boggy they dropped the charges when i told them i went to school at western rd,and they said it was quite understandable in those circumstances.
gary walker wrote:
My excuse is that I went to Eastfields High School. 💩
So did I and I can spell.
Apparently MikeM was also arrested for breaking into a smile. He was let off because it was his first offence.
gary walker wrote:
But are you Dyslexic? With spelling and colour?
No mate, there's nothing wrong with my appetite. Frank Wilson's brown and green army.
Not entirely sure Gaz.......does it rhyme with Banker ?
So you played rugby at Mitcham Grammar then Chris.
Bog End, Thinking of suing for libel. If you see me at a game I am laughing all the time. In fact, in a state of collapse through laughter. I genuinely have a great and enjoyable time at matches, exchanging banter with my friends and surrounding supporters, I can assure you there is 90 minutes of joyous fun. And of course I sometimes watch what is described as a football match.
I'll own up to being arrested, usually laying hysterically in the gutter after leaving Imperial Fields. But let off without being charged, as "the Old Bill” understands the situation, and have complete sympathy for me!
alanj wrote:
So you played rugby at Mitcham Grammar then Chris.
I only ever played one game of Rugby in my life. Afterwards my sports teacher said I was a wight rucking flanker.
At least I think that's what he said